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About Us

MYBIA  is a dynamic organization dedicated to enhancing the economic vitality and vibrancy of the Midtown Yonge corridor, one of Toronto's premier destinations for shopping, dining, and entertainment. Established in 2014, our BIA represents a diverse mix of businesses along Yonge Street, between Merton St and Soudan Ave, including retail shops, restaurants, cafes, professional services, and cultural institutions.

Our primary objectives revolve around fostering a thriving business environment, attracting visitors, and improving the overall experience for residents and tourists alike. To achieve these goals, we engage in a range of core activities and initiatives, including streetscape beautification, marketing and promotion, advocacy on behalf of our members, and community events programming.


Our Story

Over the years, MYBIA has played a pivotal role in revitalizing the area and elevating its profile as a premier destination in Toronto. Some of our major achievements include the comeback of "The Iron Horses" art sculpture on the Beltline bridge, the installation of beautiful Bench-Planters, "The Red Canoe" mural on Yonge and Hillsdale Ave E, and new and exciting MYBIA merch for all to carry a piece of our neighbourhood with them, which have contributed to the growth and success of our member businesses and the local community.

Our organization operates under a structured governance framework, with a board of directors composed of elected representatives from our member businesses. This board provides strategic direction and oversight for our activities, ensuring that we remain responsive to the needs and priorities of our stakeholders. Additionally, we have dedicated staff members who manage day-to-day operations, implement programs, and liaise with external partners and stakeholders. Get to know them below.

Board Members

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Fabiana Del Bianco

Chair | Padaria Toronto

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Jayson Schwarz

Board Director | Schwarz Law

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Jennifer Gittins

Vice-Chair | Little Sister

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Dean Lianos

Board Director  | Dean Salon

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Diana Sideris

Secretary | Tabule


Pam Cambuy

Executive Director

We acknowledge the land we are meeting on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.

Acknowledgement for Toronto

Come join our board now!

Your insights and expertise would be invaluable to our collaborative efforts.


  • What is a BIA?
    What is a BIA? A Business Improvement Area (BIA) is a “made-in-Ontario” innovation that allows local business people and commercial property owners and tenants to join together and, with the support of the municipality, to organize, finance, and carry out physical improvements and promote economic development in their district. Traditionally, a BIA is a body established by a municipality using the specific business improvement area provisions in the Municipal Act, 2001 . It is governed by a board of management. In this handbook, the term traditional BIA is used to generally describe such a body. Business and property owners or others can request that a BIA be designated by a municipal bylaw. BIAs are local entities. The legislation states they are local boards. People also refer to the geographic area designated by a municipality for a BIA as the BIA. Historical context – the Bloor West Village BIA In 1970, responding to a request by a Toronto business association, Ontario passed enabling legislation to create the world’s first Business Improvement Area (BIA) in Bloor West Village. Previously relying on voluntary contributions for its projects, the newly-created Bloor West Village BIA could now rely on a steady stream of revenue from a new city levy, made possible under the legislation, for long-term planning to improve the area. Every business within its boundaries contributed to the levy. (For a detailed account, see Appendix F.) Since the creation of this first BIA, many more have been established. Now there are more than 270 BIAs in Ontario, varying in size from fewer than 60 business and property owners to more than 2000. The BIA concept is now global, adopted by more than 500 communities across Canada, 2000 throughout the United States, and thousands more around the world including Europe, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Japan.
  • Functions of a BIA?
    The general functions of a traditional BIA are to: - Oversee the improvement, beautification and maintenance of municipally-owned land, buildings and structures in the area beyond that provided at the expense of the municipality generally - Promote the area as a business or shopping area Chapter 19 of the Toronto Municipal Code*, which was substantially changed in 2007, lists additional BIA functions. They include, among others: - To maintain business improvement area-initiated streets caping and capital assets within the business improvement area to offer graffiti and poster removal services respecting building facades visible from the street, to all member property owners who provide written consent, upon approval of the program by the general membership of the business improvement area. - To undertake safety and security initiatives within the business improvement area - To undertake strategic planning necessary to address business improvement area issues - To advocate on behalf of the interests of the business improvement area * The City of Toronto Municipal Code is a compilation of city bylaws arranged in chapters by subject. Chapter 19 deals with BIAs.
  • Examples of BIA activities?
    Beautification BIAs often provide enhancements in a business area to create a more pleasant atmosphere for local businesses and neighbouring residential areas. The most common way is streetscape improvement through the addition of customer-friendly lighting, signage, street furniture, planters, banners and sidewalk treatments as well as seasonal decorations. Revitalization and maintenance BIAs can help to revitalize, improve and maintain physical infrastructure as well as help make an area cleaner and safer. Approaches have ranged from working towards brownfield redevelopment and building façade restoration to graffiti removal and enhanced street cleaning and garbage receptacles. Marketing and promotion To retain and expand its customer base, a BIA may encourage both local residents and others to shop and use services within the local commercial district through marketing and promotional activities. Special events BIAs often organize and work with community partners to hold special events to promote and showcase their businesses. Examples include holding a street dance, music, theatre or dance festival, food fair, arts and crafts exhibition, art studio tour, fashion show, ethnic/cultural celebration and seasonal carnival or parade as well as establishing a local farmers’ market. Business recruitment BIAs often work with commercial or industrial property owners to help ensure that available space is occupied, and that an optimum business and service mix is achieved and maintained. Communication BIAs can act as a voice for the business community and often establish important relationships with other community voices, such as city council, municipal departments, local community groups (schools, churches, citizen groups, etc.) and institutions (chambers of commerce, committees of council, etc.). The BIA forum can be used to convey community concerns to council and help prompt council to pursue policies and activities to promote and strengthen the community and its unique identity. Likewise, it can provide a feedback mechanism for council issues.
  • Who may benefit from a BIA?
    Business operators All businesses in the area, whether retail, professional, dining, entertainment or finance, may gain advantages from the improved local atmosphere and ambience that a successful BIA helps to create. Improvements and activities may retain more local customers and attract more visitors. Cost savings to members may result from improved integration of capital funding and promotional activities. Property owners BIA-initiated improvements and activities may help to create and sustain a more vibrant economic environment within an area, which may lead to an increased demand for retail and office space, a decrease in commercial vacancy rates and an increase in property values. Surrounding neighbourhoods A BIA may improve quality of life in surrounding neighbourhoods through physical improvements as well as enhanced ambience, choices in local shopping and professional services, job opportunities, cleanup and safety programs, and community get-togethers. The wider community Fostering local economic development and revitalization in an area can stimulate new impetus for tourism and investment in the wider community. Increased business activity can improve both the municipal and sales tax base and support public services of benefit to all. Fostering community engagement can strengthen and build community interest, spirit, pride and networks well beyond the boundaries of a BIA.


MYBIA exists to champion the success of our local businesses and enrich the lives of everyone who calls Midtown Yonge home. We foster collaboration, advocate for your needs, and create a welcoming environment for all.

1984 Yonge Street Toronto

ON M4S 1Z7

© 2024 Midtown Yonge BIA 

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